Who Uses Coupons
A survey of 8,500 people provided insight into who does and does not use coupons. Here's a summary of the study's findings:
"Coupon Lovers"
- People with household incomes in excess of $100,000 per year are roughly two times more likely to be coupon lovers.
- People who consider the environment of utmost importance are the most likely to be coupon lovers -- 37% more likely than others.
- College-educated people are 78% more likely than the non-college educated to be coupon lovers.
- Parents are 48% more likely than non-parents to be coupon lovers.
- Northeasterners are 66% more likely than West Coasters to be coupon lovers.
- The middle-aged are more likely than younger generations to have a strong opinion about online coupons.
- Coupon lovers are 220% more likely than abstainers to highly value tradition, and 96% more likely to highly value self-direction.
- Devoutly religious people are 31% more likely to be coupon lovers and substantially less likely to be coupon abstainers.
- Libertarians are 47% more likely to be online coupon users.
"Coupon Haters"
- Self-identified insecure, temperamental people are 33% more likely to be abstainers. (harsh!)
- Detached, sophisticated, careless and procrastinating people are also each at least 20% more likely to be coupon abstainers.
- Men are 27% more likely to be coupon abstainers.
- Insecure, low-income men are the quintessential coupon abstainers, being 130% more likely to avoid online coupons. Those with household incomes of less than $50,000 per year are a fifth as likely to be coupon lovers.
The poll surveyed 8,500 people and was conducted by MyType in August 2010. Learn more about this poll here.
Gallimore Industries prints in-pack and on-pack promotional items, including coupons. Gallimore also provides inserting equipment that can insert your promotional item. For a no-obligation estimate, please share details about your next project with us:
When you choose Gallimore, you gain access to our in-house prepress, multiple high speed web presses, folding, die cutting, wrapping, warehousing, and distribution departments. Gallimore's AIB (American Institute of Baking) certification ensures the insert materials we use are traceable and provides a clean environment. And our decades of experience will help you meet FDA and USDA regulations, avoid recalls, and produce reliable inserts best suited for your product.
Gallimore inserts are designed for 100% compatibility with Gallimore inserter equipment. Gallimore coupons are supplied in trays or bandolier-style for easy handling and loading in our various inserter models:

Gallimore's high speed web presses produce colorful promotions supplied in trays or bandoliers for easy handling and loading in our various inserter models.
Did You Know...
- 5 Facts About Coupon Marketing
- How to Increase Customer Loyalty Using Coupons
- 50 Coupon Campaign Ideas
- How to Improve Your Marketing ROI
- 11 Benefits of In-Pack, On-Pack, and IRC Coupons
- Study: Coupon Use Increasing
- Who Uses Coupons?
- What Are "In-Pack Coupons"?
- What Are "On-Pack Coupons"?
- What Are "Instant Redemption Coupons" (IRC)?
- Common Coupon Copy Requirements
- Coupon Design Considerations
- Coupon Sizes
- QR Codes on Coupons = Long Term Customer Relationships
- Attract New Customers
- In-Pack Coupons vs. Free Standing Inserts (FSI's)
- In-Pack Coupons vs. Print Media Coupons
- Instantly Redeemable On-Pack Coupons vs. Print Media Coupons
- How Do Coupons Help Marketers Sell More Product?
- Reach New Customers at Half the Cost

- 50 Coupon Campaign Ideas
- Coupon Design Considerations
- Coupon Copy Requirements
- What Are On-Pack Coupons?
- And Much More!